Query databank repository

BeeDeeM comes with an additional tool aims at querying databanks repository by entity ID. Such an ID can be either a sequence ID or an ontology ID.

That tool is only available from the command line.

Note: during script execution, there is nothing displayed on the terminal whether something goes OK or wrong. However, BeeDeeM logs all its work in a dedicated log file located in ${workingDir}. Refer to Directory structure for more information.

Command-line use

Command line takes three arguments, in this order:

bdm query -d <database> -i <seq_id> -f <format> -o <output>

and the result is directly dumped in standard output.

  • database [required]: type of repository to query. One of: n, p, d. When using d, use one of: d:taxon, d:EC, d:GO, d:CDD or d:InterPro. When using d:taxon, entry ID can be either a TaxID or a Taxonomy Name (e.g. organism, phylum, etc.). In latter case, Query Tool will dump Taxonomy path;

  • seq_id [required]: either a single entry ID, a comma separated list of entry IDs of a path to a file of entry IDs. When using a file of IDs, provide a single ID per line;

  • format [required]: output format. One of: txt, fas, html, insd, finsd. When using dico repository type, txt format only applies.

  • output [optional]: output file to save results of query. Optional, default is stdout.

Sample use case.

You can control bdm query tool with some environment variables as stated in this section.

Last updated

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