Quick start guide
In this section we present the use of BeeDeeM command-line tools whatever the installation you use (legacy, Docker, Singularity or Conda).
So, when we say: "use bdm
tool to do something", you will have to adapt the command-line to conform to your installation. Examples:
Legacy and Conda installations: you can invoke BeeDeeM tools directly, since path to BeeDeeM tools is added in your PATH environment variable
Docker: prefix BeeDeeM command-line tool name with: "docker run .../..."
Singularity: prefix BeeDeeM command-line tool name with: "singularity run .../..."
BeeDeeM master command
Running BeeDeeM is as simple as using the unique command: bdm
You get help with: bdm -h
or bdm --help
BeeDeeM sub-commands
Expected first argument of bdm command is one of the following sub-commands (also called BeeDeeM tools):
annotate a BLAST XML formatted file
check whether or not a descriptor is still ok (URL not broken, etc)
delete bank(s)
get list of bank descriptors from default conf directory, i.e. ${installDir}/conf/descriptors
print out list of installed banks
install bank(s)
query bank repository to fetch entry(ies) given ID(s)
start bank manager graphical user interface
You can easily get an overview of all these tools using such a command:
bdm -h
: display available list of tools along with a short descriptionbdm install -h
: display usage of toolinstall
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